Expressive dance and social psychological training rogram
Annotation of the program
Dance is a sphere of life where it is possible for each person to feel like an expert.
Dance is one of the humanity’s oldest forms of self-expression. In its nature it’s a symbol of Life and Movement. Dance and movement unite into human’s mental and physical essence. It expresses emotions, attitude, habits and many other personal aspects. Dance is a spontaneous transformation of a person’s inner world into movement.
Dance carries out many different and unique functions that are vitally necessary for a human nowadays. For example, it aids in release of suppressed emotions and all the stressful energy, process of activating and energizing organism, self-regulation of personality, accepting and getting to know people around you, making and developing relationships, release for person’s creativity, getting to know your habits and behaviour, changing it, etc.
Expressive dance training is a new direction of psychological trainings that will let the participant to deepen his understanding about the nature of himself and surrounding people. It will also help to self-improve and develop using movement.
“In dancing, rhythm alone is used without ‘harmony’; for even dancing imitates character, emotion, and action, by rhythmical movement.”
MAIN OBJECTIVE. Understanding of communication and relationships models people have, diversification of these models through expressive dance repertoire, increasing of spontaneity in expressing different feelings and relationships, stimulation of participant’s activity and initiative in building relationships and maintaining them. Accepting individualities – your own and ones of other people, developing empathy skill, weakening the “muscular armour”.
Varying different movements and interpersonal positions, exploration of your own movement stereotypes.
Training self-presentation skill, understanding the attitude you have towards yourself.
Archetypes, affiliation, actualization of conservation experience.
Becoming aware of your “muscular armour”, as well as reducing it. Exploring your expressive dance features and traits, expansion of your expressiverepertoire.
Improving mutual tolerance and collaboration. Knowing your personal distance.
Awareness of your suppressed emotions and attitude.
Communication barriers, improving communication skills.
Ability to live one’s part, “walk in his shoes” (empathy skill).
Stimulation of self-awareness and self-acceptance.
Creative self-expression.
Attitude towards yourself, others, the whole world.
Discharging psychoemotional stress.
Learning and developing different kinds of expressing interpersonal relations.
METHODOLOGY. Individual, pair and group dances and movements with music accompaniment, reflection, discussion, giving feedback.
You will improve and develop your self-esteem.
You will be able to form new types of behaviour.
You will have some new revelations concerning you and your identity, as well as identities of other people and ways to accept it.
You will learn about the integration aspects of your mental and physical nature.
You will stimulate your creativity and self-expression.
You will develop and improve your tolerance and empathy abilities.
Any interested person who wants to improve their wellness and quality of life, acquire deeper understanding about themselves and other people through dance and movement.
Group – 12 people.
DURATION OF THE SEMINAR. 8 lessons, each 2 hours long (optimal distribution – 2 lessons a week).
PARTICIPATION FEE. 360 EUR (per one participant 8 classes).
LESSONS TAKE PLACE: Riga, Kalnciema Street 29a-6.(or if you choose – at your company).
HEAD OF THE TRAINING PROGRAM. Mg. psych. Lilita Danilāne, a certified psychologist and consultant of re-evaluation consultancy school.
You can apply and get additional information by calling +371 29430550,
sending an email to
or using an online application