“Developing dialogue in counselling”
The aim of this seminar is to give everyone a chance not only to look back to your past experience, but also to be able to put it aside. While learning new methods and developing skills, it is possible to expand your mental outlook, deepen your knowledge of life, and that leads to making a development dialogue and letting other to take responsibility and make decisions. It’s a way how to understand your wife, husband, child, a driver, teacher and many more important and significant people.
Annotation of the counselling program: The need of developing a dialogue in different relationships. For example: “parent – kid”, “husband – wife”, “student – teacher”, “boss – employee” relationships, etc.
Why is the dialogue needed? If there is a lack of motivation, relationship between partners isn’t going well, if there is some understanding of responsibility needed, if you have to find out what the true needs are, then a dialogue is one of the most effective “tools”.
Main objective of the counselling program: get familiar with philosophy of a dialogue, understand in which ways it works and when it doesn’t. Learn the main elements of dialogue. For example open and close-ended questions, positive feedback, mechanism of position of the investigator of needs and experience, active search and motivation, passing on the responsibility, search for contradictions and changing them into positive self-development as well as using it to generalize your newly gained knowledge. Investigate different situations using developing dialogue.
Contents of the counselling program:
Philosophy of dialogue.
Essence of dialogue in communication.
Socio-psychological features of people of different age-groups.
Group psychology.
Empathy and tolerance in communication.
Psychological description of social uselessness.
Dialogue techniques.
Improving communication skills (active listening skills, open and closed poses, point of using them as well as rules for that, “mirror effect” in communication, question forms and techniques of asking them, roles and positions in communication, psychological barriers in communication)
Behavioural system analysis and the psychology of change.
Summing up the program.
Skills and abilities obtained during the counselling program: Knowledge about the essence of dialogue, importance of it in communication, types of dialogue and philosophy. Capacity for empathy, improving listening and discussion skills. Developing tolerance.
Work methods used within this counselling program: work in a circle, self-reflection, discussion, role-play, theoretical and practical analysis.
Length of the counselling program: main program – 32 academic hours (4 days/8 h)
Where? When? How Much?
Lessons take place in Riga, Kalnciema Street 29a-6. Enrolment and a tour with closer look happens once a year, in October, on the open door day of school.Studies start annually in November.
Lectures are divided into seminaries; all together they are held for two years. Each seminary lasts two days (16 academic hours). Studies take place on Saturdays and Sundays once or twice a month from 10:00 to 18:00. Payment for one seminary (2 days) – 147 EUR.
You can apply and get additional information by calling +371 29430550,
sending an email to lilita.danilane@alterego.lv
or using an online application.