„Dream and relationship therapy in counselling”
The main purpose of this seminar is to understand the attitude you have towards yourself and make it your companion. When establishing relationships with others, the person primarily thinks about himself and creates an image, a character of who he wants to be. That’s why in the relationship of two people up to four characters can be involved. Consultants will learn to understand and read relationship models and the ranks of them, they will learn about the nature of these ranks and the importance of them in relationships. They will also be taught to look at themselves through different relationship models, identify their own character and rank. Everybody has a chance to finally end the unfinished relationships and understand what prevents them from building new relationship. Roleplay lets everyone feel, see and live through the attitude the person has towards himself.
Dreams are images of our subconsciousness that affect and lead us. Dreams and counselling give us a chance to take a deeper insight and understand the attitude we have towards ourselves. The most important thing is our relationship with ourselves, and that is – our dreams and our reality that we acknowledge. Seminar’s aim is to let you learn how to translate your and your client’s dreams, understand nature of those dreams and learn to use dream therapy methods in life.
Annotation of the counselling program: The most important in our dreams is that there we can see our own relationships with ourselves. Many people that think that dreams are significant, and respectively our actions and people we see there are also significant. Actually, it isn’t like that, because everything we see in our dreams is happening with only us and our self-attitude. Our sub-consciousness works with the relationships we have with ourselves.
Main objective of the counselling program: Be aware that we are dreaming and write our dreams down. Get to know how dreams work and how to use those mechanics in practice.
Contents of the counselling program:
Relationship and dream psychology.
Methods and tools in dream and relationship therapy.
Socio-psychological features of dreams and relationships.
Socio-psychological features of ranks.
Techniques of dream and relationship therapy.
Techniques for skill improvement. Rules and matters of using these skills. Forms of questions and techniques of asking them, role-switching.
Analysis of dream and relationship behavioural system and psychology of change.
Work methods used within this counselling program: work in a circle, self-reflection, discussion, role-play, theoretical and practical analysis.
Length of the counselling program: main program – 64 academic hours (8 days/8 h)
Where? When? How Much?
Lessons take place in Riga, Kalnciema Street 29a-6.. Enrolment and a tour with closer look happens once a year, in October, on the open door day of school.Studies start annually in November.Lectures are divided into seminaries; all together they are held for two years. Each seminary lasts two days (16 academic hours). Studies take place on Saturdays and Sundays once or twice a month from 10:00 to 18:00. Payment for one seminary (2 days) – 147 EUR.
You can apply and get additional information by calling +371 29430550,
sending an email to lilita.danilane@alterego.lv
or using an online application