“Counselling: what does it begin with” and „Working with aggression, manipulation and helplessness”
First part of the seminary. Insight in the history of counselling. Explanation of what counselling has to offer and everyone’s opportunities in it. Awareness of yourself as a counsellor, client’s awareness of himself. Clear vision on how to help yourself and others for free. Embracing oneself and others, as well as many other things about acknowledging yourself.
Second part of the seminar. Exploration of your inner resources. Explanation of what emotions are. What happens, if we get caught up in them. Learn how to comprehend emotions and discharge them. How to live with no restrictions and be free, not let aggression pile. How to act in situations with manipulation and feeling of helplessness involved. What momentary and chronic fears are, and how to tell the difference between them.
In these two seminaries we acquire practical skills, some techniques to help one understand what is best and works well.
Main objective of the counselling program: Harmonize the condition of your professional and personal life, gain important skills and knowledge, as well as learn ways how to use them in work. It will give you chances to solve many personal problems, as well as improve development of own personality.
Contents of the counselling program:
Introductions and adaptation.
A human and theory in consultancy. Development problems. Client and counsellor, teacher and a student, a wife and a husband, etc.
Roles and rules during counselling. Description of the client – counsellor relationship. First contact with a client. What does it mean to accept a client? Counsellor’s feelings.
Empathy and tolerance in communication. Roles and positions. Psychological description of social uselessness. How to accept stress, distress and traumas. Description of reactions to distress. Intellect and feelings – interaction of them in normal circumstances and under distress. Records on chronic and accidental distress.
Your own resources – pros and cons. Being aware of them.
Analysing your relationships with other people from different points of view.
Behavioural stereotypes – inherited ones and those from society.
Psychological barriers. Distresses, behavioural stereotypes, feelings and problems.
Goals of counselling. Goals of clients and the counsellor. Difference between client – counsellor and patient – therapist relationships.
Positive techniques.
Compliments in our life.
Being aware of consultancy techniques. Technique examples. Forms and ways of individual and group work. Role of different techniques. Variations of technique use, solutions and search for them.
how to avoid manipulators
responsibility, obligations, teamwork and co-operation
confident style – description
voice and effective use of it
Work with own feelings, expression, self-analysis, discussions and different role-plays.
Feelings in everyday life
Questions. Summing up the program.
Main tasks of the counselling program:
Make sure participant understands how and why he acts certain way towards other people and how this attitude affects other people. What do we do when we feel helpless.
Learn to understand why people act one way and no other. What are pros and cons of our own resources?
Teach participant to hear exactly what other people say and not only concentrate on thinking of an answer. Take a look at yourself from different point of view.
Analysis of psychological barriers.
Advance the growth of tolerance towards other people’s actions. Positive techniques and compliments in our life.
Create conditions in which a person can approbate new collaboration ways with people and receive feedback about how they get affected by them.
Length of the counselling program: main program – 64 academic hours (8 days/8 hours)
Where? When? How Much?
Lessons take place in Riga, Kalnciema Street 29a-6. Enrolment and a tour with closer look happens once a year, in October, on the open door day of school. Studies start annually in November. Lectures are divided into seminaries; all together they are held for two years. Each seminary lasts two days (16 academic hours). Studies take place on Saturdays and Sundays once or twice a month from 10:00 to 18:00. Payment for one seminary (2 days) – 147 EUR.
You can apply and get additional information by calling +371 29430550,
sending an email to lilita.danilane@alterego.lv
or using an online application.